On the occasion of the victory of the 19th national congress of CPC, QGOE party branch organized all party members to visit the memorial hall of the Beijing Jiao Zhuang ground war site, to deeply discuss and study the spirit of the 19th report. Industry News 久智光电子材料科技有限公司
Industry News

On the occasion of the victory of the 19th national congress of CPC, QGOE party branch organized all party members to visit the memorial hall of the Beijing Jiao Zhuang ground war site, to deeply discuss and study the spirit of the 19th report.

点击数:21452017-11-08 09:06:49 来源: 久智光电子材料科技有限公司

   According to official information from China Unicom, 2017-2018 China Unicom FOTC centralized procurement project funds, raised by the tenderer, have been implemented, and the public tenders are now under way. 
  The main line of optical fiber cable procurement is about 630 thousand core kilometers, containing 266 kinds of trunk cable with commonly used specifications. The project is divided into two packages.

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