Party branch organizes the whole party member to carry on the theme party day activity Company News 久智光电子材料科技有限公司
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Party branch organizes the whole party member to carry on the theme party day activity

点击数:22852017-07-15 00:00:00 来源: 久智光电子材料科技有限公司

To mark the 96th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China to commemorate the 72th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan, reviewing the party's glorious history, eulogizing the party's feats, further activate the party organization, enhance the broad masses of party members of honor, sense of mission. Party branch decided on July 15, organizing all party members to carry out with "remember the history The memory of martyrs cherish peace Create the future "as the theme of the Chinese people's Anti-Japanese War memorial, wanping and lugouqiao DangRi activities.
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