Radio and television into the public demand driven influx of private capital to promote development Industry News 久智光电子材料科技有限公司
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Radio and television into the public demand driven influx of private capital to promote development

点击数:22522017-07-27 00:00:00 来源: 久智光电子材料科技有限公司

 Recently, the three operators have announced operating data for the last month of the first half of 2017. Among them, China Mobile cable broadband subscribers increased by 2 million 561 thousand, a total of 93 million 41 thousand China Telecom; cable broadband users increased by 810 thousand, a total of 128 million 100 thousand households, as of the end of June 2017, China Telecom (FTTH) fiber broadband subscribers reached about 117 million 230 thousand, the first half of 2017 a net increase of about 11 million 240 thousand; China Unicom broadband subscribers increased by 16 thousand, amounted to 76 million 921 thousand households. The broadband subscriber numbers of the three operators show that the broadband market in China is developing rapidly.
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